Privacy Policy

QuickWit Tech is committed to protecting the privacy of your data. This Privacy Policy covers your use of the CRC Mashgiach app, created by QuickWit Tech Corp ( “we,” “us,” “our”).

Data Collected
When you use the CRC Mashgiach app, we collect only the basic subscriber information required to open your account and process payments, such as your name and email address.

Data Privacy
QuickWit Tech does not view your data or share it with third parties, except as described in the Law Enforcement section below.

If you opt in to allow Apple to share information with developers, we receive some anonymous usage analytics. QuickWit Tech does not use any other third-party analytics tools or SDKs to track your app usage or activity.

Law Enforcement
QuickWit Tech will not disclose your information to law enforcement or other governmental authorities unless we believe we are required by law to comply with warrants, court orders, subpoenas, or other lawful requests.

Data Storage
When you use the CRC Mashgiach app, all of your data is stored locally on your device. QuickWith Tech does not store your data.

If you back up your data to iCloud or another cloud service, your data will be stored there. If you transmit your data by submitting reports, your data will be stored by the recipient.

Privacy Policy Changes
QuickWit Tech may update this Privacy Policy at any time. When we do, we will revise the updated date at the bottom of this page. You acknowledge, accept and agree that it is your responsibility to review this Privacy Policy periodically to be apprised of changes.

Your Acceptance of This Privacy Policy
By using the CRC Mashgiach app, you acknowledge, accept and agree with all provisions of this Privacy Policy.

Contacting Us
Please contact QuickWit Tech customer service with any questions you may have about this Privacy Policy: ​​
[email protected]
(845) 395-0303

Updated: April 7, 2022